Painting for me is a journey towards self-discovery. I am exploring two crucial ideas in my works.  The first is ‘Volumetric Space’, space perceived without ‘Gravity’ e.g. ‘Birds of Breath’; inspired by ‘International Space Travel’, in particular the magnificent walk in ‘Space’.

Secondly, I am exploring ‘Pregnant Space’, space conceived for contemplation, reflection and more, e.g. ‘Landscape of Longing’ (collection of Tate Britain). These visual concerns are at the core of my visual concepts. They complement and enhance a variety of themes in various media. My paintings on wood-support, which float half an inch away from the wall, together with works on paper are distinguished by a variety of unique size, texture and formats. These are attempting to achieve equilibrium between the instinctual subconscious and the conscious world, in which textures in time and colours as content crystallise into the heartbeat of visual ideas.